Category Archives: What We’ve Learned

Stretch...Really Stretch

Stretch…Really Stretch

In May of 2010, I was on the way home from delivering the executive presentation to wrap up Springhead’s first project — a global business and technology strategy for a $16 Billion manufacturing company. I had the consultant’s “high” after successfully closing out the engagement when I received a life-changing call.

“Hey Greg. We are in Haiti leading disaster relief efforts and we need your help.”

Earthquake Destruction in Haiti

Earthquake Destruction in Haiti

My first thought was: The need is so great with many Haitians lives hanging in the balance. I have to go help!  That thought was immediately followed by another: I’m a business/technology strategy guy. What could I possibly do to help?!

My first thought won out; I was on a plane to Haiti four days later. If the task at hand wasn’t difficult enough, we had to deal with corrupt government officials, food and water safety issues, and transportation/logistics nightmares…not to mention the language and cultural barriers. Did I mention the brutal heat?!

During our six weeks in Haiti, our team was able to provide work and purpose to the several hundred Haitians we hired as they removed rubble and built shelters in their towns and villages…resulting in over 600 families having a home to lay their heads. This work was life-changing:

  • For the men and women we employed, they had work for the first time in years. They had purpose and a sense of accomplishment. They had hope.
  • For the families that received a shelter, they had protection from the elements. They had a place to call home. They had peace.
  • For me, the experience brought the lowest of valleys as I witnessed suffering and a suffocating lack of hope. It also brought the mountaintops as lives were transformed and ministry took root.

Inside a family's shelter

Inside a family’s shelter.

Good for you, but why should I stretch myself?

I’ve learned to seek out opportunities that will stretch me. The bigger and more difficult, the better! When you choose to do the same, you will find that:

  1. You will learn — You learn how to apply your skills, talents, and abilities across multiple areas in your life. You find that lessons learned in one area can be applied in many different ways.
  2. You will grow — Things that you once felt were impossible or were afraid to do will become part of your everyday skill set.
  3. You will be more confident — When you break through your limits, you will have a tremendous sense of accomplishment and understand that you are capable of achieving so much more than you ever thought possible.
  4. You will lead others — You will learn to stretch those that you lead. You will become a better leader as you provide opportunities for your people to learn and grow.

So, what about you? Are you stretching, I mean really stretching yourself and those around you? How are you using your skills, talents and abilities to make an impact in our world?


The Secret to Leadership Part 2: Simplicity is Sticky

Early in my career, it became apparent that I needed to change my communication style to grow as a leader. I started as a software engineer, a role that is focused on details and accuracy. My communication style followed suit — I would engage in lengthy discussions about binary marshalling vs. xml service calls, the timing of object instantiation, garbage collection, threading, and all of the “-abilities” (scalability, maintainability, extensibility, etc.). Within months, I had become fluent in the language of software engineering.

In addition to my “engineering speak” I was also becoming quite proficient with “consultanese”. For example, “I would assert that we could quickly ascertain the ability to achieve synergistic efficiencies as our disparate teams pursue their deliverables…all while focused on the realization of stakeholder goals while achieving KPI’s…”

Clear and concise, right?!

Let’s look at a musical analogy

I first heard this story from Doug Keely (The Mark of a Leader). It struck a chord with me, so I want to share it with you as well.

In the 1940s, Charlie “Bird” Parker was pioneering a new Jazz style called bebop. This new style pushed the limits of technique and speed beyond what others had imagined. Bird became known for playing blisteringly fast tempos and complex chord changes that would quickly sort out the real players from the wannabes.

Turn up your speakers and have a listen as “Bird” plays “Kim”.

Wow! It is a technical masterpiece…but can you hum it? Is it memorable or sticky?

Four Distinct Notes
What if I told you that you could identify a song that had only four distinct notes? Listen to the bass line (answer is at the end of this post):

Did you get it?

One Distinct Note
How about a song that begins with only one distinct note?

One note played an octave apart. Good luck getting that one out of your mind today!

Simplicity is Sticky

Similar to Birds technical masterpiece, my communication was technically right on. But it wasn’t memorable or inspirational. I realized that leaders need to distill complex ideas into concepts that are memorable and repeatable. We must create clarity from ambiguity; simplicity from complexity. Leaders need to make the idea sticky.

We must not “dumb down” the idea. On the contrary, our communication needs to convey the full scope of the complex idea. However, it must be delivered as a simple, memorable and sticky message. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry understood this concept as he said “Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”

Evaluate how you are communicating and remember, Simplicity is Sticky!

If you need help making your communication simple and sticky, please contact us. We can help you transform your leadership communication!


Four distinct notes: With Or Without You (U2)
One distinct note: My Sharona (the Knack)

Doughnuts and Software

Doughnuts and Software

Warning:  reading this article may result in a substantial craving for doughnuts!

I can’t think of many things better than taking a bite of a hot, fresh Krispy Kreme doughnut! The corners of your mouth can’t help but curl to a smile as the first bite melts in your mouth. You’ve polished off the first one and are well into the second before you realize that you’re going to have to run an extra couple of miles today to make up for this!

The Analogy

So, what can we learn about software development from a batch of delicious Krispy Kremes? Let’s shift from thinking about how good the doughnuts taste to looking at how they are made.

The Mixing

Step 1:  The Mixing.  The process begins as the dry ingredients are mixed with the liquids to make the dough according to their secret recipe.  At this point, significant cost has been expended to put all of the ingredients together; and the ingredients, now mixed, have a shortened shelf life and need to be pushed through the process quickly.  But what if the dough wasn’t mixed correctly?  The team needs to quickly identify the problem and pull the batch as early as possible.  Otherwise, each step in the process will continue to add time and cost, but will result in a bad final product.

Do you see where the analogy with software development is headed?  This stage is akin to the your business product development team investing time into a new product idea or enhancement.  Once the idea is in place, tech teams need to act on it quickly – either to get it implemented or to help them determine that it is a “bad batch of dough.”

The Rising

Step 2:  The Rising.  As you walk into a Krispy Kreme, you see one of their famous machines – including the “elevator” section where trays full of doughnuts spend about an hour traveling up and down as the dough is “proofed” to perfection.  This part of the process doesn’t add much cost.  It simply takes time for the dough to rise.

Similar to software requirements gathering, this stage isn’t too costly, it takes time.  It also gives us an opportunity to look at the individual doughnuts (or software requirements), see which are misshapen or not rising, and pull out the bad ones before they go the next stage.

The Shortening

Step 3:  The Shortening.  On the next step of their journey, the doughnuts are dropped from the elevator tray into the hot shortening where they cook.  The doughnuts slowly float forward until, halfway through the river of shortening, they are flipped so that the other side will cook.  If you watch the process for long, you will notice that every once in a while a doughnut doesn’t get flipped over and only one side is cooked.

What you may not realize is that the moment they hit the shortening, the cost of the doughnut goes up substantially – they absorb some of the expensive shortening as they cook.  In software development, it is much easier and less expensive to make changes on paper or in a prototype than it is to make changes once coding has been started.  It is important for our tech teams to quickly identify the doughnuts that aren’t cooking properly.

The Glazing

Step 4:  The Glazing.  This step is my favorite part.  The doughnuts are lifted from the shortening and continue down a conveyor system and go through a waterfall of glaze.  The sugary, sweetness coats them as they continue on down the production line as the glaze cools and dries.

The glaze is another expensive part of the process.  It doesn’t make sense to glaze a doughnut that wasn’t properly cooked or is misshaped.  Again, these need to be identified and addressed early…before more time and cost is wasted on them.

The Boxing

Step 5: The Boxing.  This is the final check point before the finished product hits the shelves.  At this point, all of the cost for making the doughnuts has been incurred.  This is simply the final check before the doughnut is sold to the customer.

Too often, we rely on the “boxing” process (Software QA) to identify the issues.  Instead, we need to create an environment where the entire tech team takes ownership of identifying issues…and prides itself in identifying and resolving these issues as early in the process as possible!

The Krispy Kreme Principle

One of my customers had 1,674 items that had been partially developed then set aside to be addressed later.  Unfortunately, this wasn’t because they were applying the Krispy Kreme Principle.  Instead, it was because they didn’t realize how much cost had gone into requirements, development and testing before they realized that the product was bad.

The Krispy Kreme Principle is about defining and understanding your critical cost points.  Similar to the shortening and glaze stages, each organization has specific points at which the cost goes up substantially.  Identify where these points fall in your process.  Then build in checkpoints before these critical cost points and focus your teams are identifying and addressing the issues.

Use the Krispy Kreme principle to stop wasting money and time!

How far will you go for your customers...even to Baku?

How far will you go for your customers…even to Baku?

The Story

Fresh out of college, I went to work for a small technology consulting firm in Chicago. One of my first customer meetings proved to be one of the most memorable! I found myself sitting in with the customer’s technology executive, our business development guy, and another one of our consultants. Here’s where the fun began. The executive had both a unique look and quite a bit of personality. Picture a sharp-dressed gentlemen, likely in his early fifties, his chiseled face surrounded by slightly graying hair, slicked back into a shoulder length pony tail. Every movement he made was fluid yet dramatic. As he welcomed us into his office, the combination of his deep, accented voice and his unique look brought images of Transylvania to mind. The initial part of the conversation was not too memorable…that is until our business development guy started playing with a little metal box on the executive’s desk.

“What” he started (pronounced more like “Vhut”), “What are you doing?”

“Just checking out your business card holder,” Mr. Business Development replied.

The other consultant and I shared a look…oh boy…it’s about to get interesting…

To make a long story short, after a severe scolding we found what the “business cards” actually were. He slowly opened the container, pulled out a very expensive cigarette, and placed it in a silver cigarette holder. In a single motion, his hand glided to the drawer and pulled out a custom Zippo lighter. With a flick of his wrist, the lighter ignited. He turned his head to the side and slowly (and dramatically) lit up.

“So…[inhale]…I understand you can help me” he continued as he leaned back in his chair holding his cigarette over his shoulder, turned his head, and exhaled toward some strange vent-like machine in his window. Yeah…that’s right. This guy had an iron-lung ventilator thing installed in his office so that he could smoke indoors. This was starting to feel more like James Bond than Transylvania.

So we gave him our pitch and explained how we could help, all the while making sure our business development guy didn’t touch anything else. As we finished our pitch, we could tell that our client was very excited about our offering.

Silence. A dramatic drag on the cigarette as his eyes bore into us. Pause. Head turned to the side and an equally dramatic exhale into the iron lung. He repeated this another time as he continued to measure us.

Finally he broke the silence. “Others have failed, but this…this is exactly what I need (don’t forget his accent). Very good.”

We were about to break into our celebratory dance when he asked another key question, “So, you will travel?”

Picturing a fun international trip for himself, our business development guy jumped right in. “Absolutely! We do work around the world: Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Paris…this time of year, Hawaii would be nice. We’d be more than happy to go wherever we are needed.”

The exec: “This is good.” His lips formed a mischievous and somewhat frightening grin as he continued, “Will you travel…[toking on the cigarette]…[exhale]…even to Baku?”

Picturing an exotic destination, our business development guy didn’t miss a beat. “Absolutely. Our bags are already packed.”

The execs smile was no longer mischievous; it had shifted and was now menacing as he gave the classic bad-guy laugh. Then he said, “Interesting. Do you know where Baku is?”

The other consultant and I, well…our eyes bored into our business development guy trying to communicate “ix-nay on the travel.” Too late. Our business development guy didn’t quite get the message and jumped in before I could stop him, “We’ll go wherever you need us. Like I said, we are ready and willing to travel the globe.”

Looking delighted with himself, the exec replied, “This is good. My people, they will not even go to Baku. But you will go? This is very good.”

Baku bullet holes

The side entrance to the office in Baku. Its nice that the planters are virtually unscathed.

Well, it turns out that Baku (which, as a side note, was actually featured in a James Bond movie) had been under Russian control, but has been highly contested as it has quite a bit of oil under its soil. The client’s local offices were riddled with bullet holes and no sane person would voluntarily travel there…especially to do a technology upgrade.

As this was explained to us, our business development guy quickly changed his story. “Yeah, these guys love to travel. Me? Not so much. But, these guys are ready to go…”

The Point

From the moment we stepped into his office, what did our team convey? Did we leave the customer with a sense that we wanted to help them? Or did we come across as being more interested in a personal trip? We had a superior product that completely met his need, but we lost the business. Simply put, he didn’t trust us.

That day, I learned an important lesson: It takes a lot to build trust, but a few actions of just one employee can destroy it. To build trust, we need to focus on the customer’s best interests. We need to make sure that they are poised for success.

At the same time, remember that your customers are smart…it’s blatantly obvious to them when they work with an employee who isn’t focused on them. To avoid losing that hard fought trust, we’ve got to foster a culture where each employee’s words and actions convey that they have the customer’s best interests in mind. Invest in your employees so that they really get this.

Does your entire organization have your customers’ interests at the forefront? Would your customers agree with your answer?